Phone: 817-504-9050 | Espa�ol

A Letter To Parents

I welcome the opportunity to discuss the range of my tutoring services with you.

As a tutor in math and physics since college, I have always enjoyed the challenge of helping young people sharpen their thinking skills and gain the self-confidence that is the natural byproduct of academic achievement.

As you will discover, my methods for “mindstretching” are my own, and have evolved through my primary vocation as a creator of puzzles and brain teasers for books, calendars, and syndicated newspaper columns.  I have always believed learning should be exhilarating and fun—and that’s the philosophy I apply to my duties as a tutor as well.

Make no mistake:  My approach also involves plenty of hard work and self-discipline.  But as my students soon discover, the focused, concentrated energy they invest can return early dividends—and can then become the accelerating engine for future success in all aspects of their academic lives.

There are several points of conversation that need to be covered before I will take on a new student:

    1.  They have to be willing to work.  There is no downtime in my hour-long sessions.  We work diligently, and my application of numerous exercises and drills requires the student’s full attention and positive focus.

    2.  The best tutoring experiences happen when the student’s parents are directly involved.  I appreciate their input from the beginning, as well as their responses to my ongoing progress updates.

    3.  I find that meeting twice a week is usually the best route to give the student the maximum learning advantage—although scheduling can be flexible when required.

    4.  I take this work very seriously, because I truly enjoy helping kids (who are willing to work) learn to THINK and deal with any obstacles that might stand in their way.

    5.  Virtually all students have the learning tools to be successful.  My job is to give them the skills to apply them.

If this sounds like there might be a fit, please let me know—and we can discuss our working together in detail. 

This website includes an easy contact portal to reach me.


Terry Stickels
Ft. Worth, Texas

Contact Terry to get started.

Let’s talk

Terry is available to speak with you about your tutoring needs.

Phone: 817-504-9050

Email Terry

More On Terry

Terry Stickels is an accomplished author, syndicated puzzle writer, and motivational speaker. Learn more about Terry and view his puzzles and books at his web site.